
Rainbow Rumble is a Philippine television game show broadcast by Kapamilya Channel. Hosted by Luis Manzano and Negi, it premiered on July 20, 2024, on the network's Yes Weekend line-up replacing What's Wrong with Secretary Kim? and I Can See Your Voice.



  • Luis Manzano as main host; the "Rumble Master"
  • Negi as co-host; the "Ka-Rambol"

Rainbow Pop Girls

The Rainbow Pop Girls are the show's models and backup dancers, representing the six colors of the die featured in the show: pink, yellow, red, blue, green, and purple. They assist Luis in the show and provide "luck" and "color" upon the contestants. Their true identities are currently unknown.

  • Paris Pink
  • Yumi Yellow
  • Ruby Red
  • Baby Blue
  • Girlie Green
  • Penny Purple