Eat... Bulaga! is the longest-running noontime variety show produced by TVJ Productions and currently airing on TV5 and RPTV. It originally premiered on July 30, 1979 on RPN and was originally produced by Production Specialists Inc., and later Television and Production Exponents (TAPE) Inc.
The show was formerly aired on ABS-CBN from 1989 to 1995 when it was under the production of TAPE Inc.
In late-80's, the Radio Philippines Network (RPN), the show's first home, was beset by periodical change of management, leading to the decision of the then TAPE Inc. president and CEO Tony Tuviera to conduct negotiations with then-fledgling network ABS-CBN to eventually transfer the show.
In 1989, Eat... Bulaga! moved to ABS-CBN under a co-production agreement due to problems brought about by the sequestration of RPN. On February 18, 1989, the show premiered on ABS-CBN and was staged at Araneta Coliseum, with a TV special titled Eat... Bulaga!: Moving On! After its transfer to ABS-CBN, the show started airing from ABS-CBN Studio 1 (now Dolphy Theatre) at the ABS-CBN Broadcasting Center. During the show's special occasions, they were allowed usage of the network's Studio 2 as a venue. The show's tenth anniversary was held on September 23, 1989, at Araneta Coliseum. In 1991, Ruby Rodriguez and Rio Diaz became regular co-hosts.
In 1994, ABS-CBN attempted to buy the airing rights of the show from TAPE Inc. Antonio Tuviera and Malou Choa-Fagar rejected the offer, leading to the network giving an ultimatum to the show to leave the network in January 1995. On the same year, the show moved out of ABS-CBN Studio 1 and relocated to Celebrity Sports Plaza in preparation for its transfer to GMA Network.
- The show was produced by Production Specialists, Inc. from 1979-1981, TAPE Inc. from 1981 to 2024, and is currently produced by TVJ Productions since 2024, when the TVJ reclaimed the Eat Bulaga! title.
- The TVJ, along with much of the hosts and production staff, had left TAPE Inc. in 2023, following a dispute between the host and the new management of TAPE Inc., which is owned and run by the Jalosjos family.
See Also[]
- Eat Bulaga! on Eat Bulaga! Wiki
- Eat Bulaga! on GMA Network Wiki
- Eat Bulaga! on TV5 Wiki